
Archive for 2018

White & Company Unboxes Its Support For Street Sleeping Fundraiser

White & Company Unboxes Its Support For Street Sleeping Fundraiser

White & Company will team up with YMCA Fairthorne group to deliver a street sleeping event. All money raised will go towards local community projects and initiatives to help vulnerable young people sleeping rough on the streets of Southampton. Participants in the YMCA Street Sleep event will build their own shelters to create a ‘pop-up […]

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Shipping to Australia – 5 Things You Must Do (Before You Go)

Shipping to Australia – 5 Things You Must Do (Before You Go)

Are you moving to Australia? In this article, we’re going to tell you five things you must do when preparing your household items for shipping to Australia. Each year thousands of Brits leave the UK in search of a new life Down Under, with over 1.2 million Brits now calling Australia home. Packing up and […]

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Taking Your Pets Abroad The Essential Guide To Moving With Pets

Taking Your Pets Abroad The Essential Guide To Moving With Pets

Taking your pets abroad — the essential guide to moving with pets Moving your family abroad can be a complicated process, even more so if you are intending on taking your prized pets with you. For pets the process can prove particularly stressful with lots of different changes to take in, many of which can […]

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