
Archive for 2019

Moving to Japan – 7 Things You’ll Need To Know Before You Leave

Moving to Japan – 7 Things You’ll Need To Know Before You Leave

Japan is one of those countries that simply fascinates almost everyone. The culture is so unique and different to that found anywhere else in the world. There is a reason for this. In 1633, the Tokugawa Shogunate enforced the isolationist foreign policy which lasted for 220 years! During this time, Japanese people could not leave […]

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Moving to New Zealand from UK – The Ultimate Guide

Moving to New Zealand from UK – The Ultimate Guide

New Zealand and its citizens, “Kiwis”, live lives of relaxation, surrounded by clean air and dramatic mountains. It’s no wonder so many Brits decide to relocate here every year. While still being part of the Commonwealth, New Zealand offers a refreshing lifestyle with far less clouds and far more mountains. The phrase ‘A breath of […]

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6 Most Liveable Cities in the World 2019

6 Most Liveable Cities in the World 2019

There are many brilliant cities throughout the world, but which are the most liveable? Many different researchers have their own approach, each looking at various factors that affect the quality of life in a city. The main three research groups are: Economist Intelligence Unit: They look at five factors, including healthcare, education and crime rate. Mercer […]

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